
Guide/Vouchers/Create forSingleUser

From Convention Master Documentation

Edit Vouchers

This will allow you to create a one-off voucher that is assigned for a specific user.

  1. Log into your convention master system with a user that can create/edit vouchers.
  2. Use the quick-menu or any other mechanism to search for a attendee.
  3. On the Attendee page, click the Voucher Tab.
    AttendeeTabBar Voucher.png
  4. Click the NEW button
    1. Title This will change the title of the selected vouchers.
    2. Body This will change the html body of the selected vouchers.
    3. Amount This will change the amount the voucher is created for. Note: This may result in the voucher being over spent, if the voucher was previously used for more than the new amount.
    4. Usable At This controls which event the voucher can be used at.
    5. Expires This will control the expiry of the voucher.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.

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