
Release notes/8.2.10

From Convention Master Documentation

< Release notes

NOTE: This page contains release notes for a past release of Convention Master. The current version is 10.1.7.

Released 2015-12-02

This is not a full release, but rather a hot patch to fix some critical bugs in email functions for 8.2.9. Please see change notes for 8.2.9.


Before starting an upgrade, we recommend that you backup your Convention Master database and files.

To perform the upgrade, run a Subversion update in the folder that contains your Convention Master installation:

$ svn up /path/to/convention_master

When this has completed, log in to the staff console [] with an account that has the "Perform DB and System Upgrades" permission to automatically trigger any pending schema updates. DO NOT FORGET THIS STEP, otherwise it will leave your install in a locked upgrade state.

For fuller/more complete information on upgrading your Convention Master installation, please see our upgrade documentation.

If you have any questions or comments, please email us at
